Family First

Baby Arabella's newborn session was super sweet. This was mom and dad's first baby and they were absolutely smitten by her. It was so heartwarming. Her mom contacted me to plan the newborn session and she was specific with wanting a lot of family poses as well as some with the baby only.

That was a pleasant change for me because a lot clients prefer to have more photos of the baby and only a few family poses. Either way, I accommodate whatever a client chooses. I know it's probably heavily dependent on how mom feels post delivery. Some recover quicker than others and feel well enough to get dressed up, do their hair, and put on makeup, while others aren't in the mood or don't really feel like themselves from lack of sleep and the huge adjustment that bringing home a baby entails.

Like I said earlier, I accommodate mom's preference. I would love for every mom/parent(s) to at least be photographed in a couple of poses to document the moment. But I have ways to work around having your face in a picture. I can photograph mom's hands holding baby, or dad's finger being gripped by baby. The possibilities are vast, you just have to think outside of the box.

This family wanted more photos to hang on their wall of how they've grown and added the most precious baby girl to the mix. Dad was so attentive and mom, (even with this being her 1st baby) was handling everything like she'd done this a million times before. She did tell me that she is the oldest child in her family, so I'm sure that helped. Baby Arrabella was asleep for most of her session but woke up for a bit as well. She was almost 3 weeks old, so that was understandable. Mom and dad really loved the photos and it's always a pleasure to be invited to capture such a major milestone in someone's life.

Sanford Newborn Photography, Orlando Newborn Photography
Sanford Newborn Photography, Orlando Newborn Photography
Sanford Newborn Photography, Orlando Newborn Photography
Sanford Newborn Photographer, Orlando Newborn Photographer
Sanford Newborn Photographer, Orlando Newborn Photography
Sanford Newborn Photography, Orlando Newborn Photography
Sanford Newborn Photography, Orlando Newborn Photography