The Streak is Finally Broken
After having 3 girls, my clients finally welcomed a baby boy to the family! He was quite the surprise and well worth the wait.
Before our newborn photography session mom was a bit nervous because she wasn't sure how all 3 girls (under age 7) would act during the photo session since it would last close to 3 hours. I comforted her and explained my process and how we would navigate through the session, keeping the girls busy "helping me," and also capturing some adorable poses of the baby. Because, you know, baby photography is my jam. Lol. She had me laughing because she was saying she has so much to do for the girls keeping them entertained, that she hoped baby Ali would be chill and just go with the flow.
Well guess what? She got what she wanted. Baby Ali was super chill. We only had to change 1 diaper and he fed once towards the end of our time together. He was so snuggly and definitely relaxed and asleep the whole time. I was able to get a variety of poses, outfit changes, and setups to capture his handsome little self. The girls were absolutely gems and very "helpful" with picking out bonnets or moving a blanket out of the way. Mom and Dad were very surprised and couldn't believe had good the girls were throughout the entire infant photography session. Towards the end they got some phone time and before you knew it, we were done. Everything went well and mom absolutely loved all her photos.